Art with Agenda: Socially Engaged Art Practices in Post-Cold War Japan
7 nov 2014
[:nl] <img class=”size-full wp-image-1039″ src=”” alt=”” width=”922″ height=”1024″ /> Kimiyo Mishima, Another Rebirth 2005-N […][:en] The Research Project “From Garbage to Art: Environmental Consciousness in Japan in the […][:]
‘De Chinezen komen’ Groeneveld Conferentie MVO Netwerk Toerisme
11 sep 2014
[:nl]De wereld verandert en dus ook toeristenstromen. Wat betekenen die veranderende toeristenstromen? Tijdens de […][:]
Gevluchte Noord-Koreanen onthullen op Leidse conferentie machinaties regime
26 aug 2014
[:nl]Zeven Noord-Koreaanse bannelingen, die allen hoge functies bekleedden binnen het regime, onthullen hoe het […][:]
Tussen droom en werkelijkheid: obstakels naar Koreaanse hereniging
24 jul 2014
[:nl]Sinds 1945 is het Koreaanse schiereiland verdeeld in Noord en Zuid Korea. De tweedeling […][:]
The Limits of China’s Influence on North Korea: Six Decades of Bilateral Friction and Cooperation
30 jun 2014
“Asia Carrousel” event organized by the Asia and Oceania Department of the Ministry of […]
Opening tentoonstelling Korea tussen Oorlog en Vrede
26 jun 2014
[:nl]Op 25 juni 1950 trokken Noord Koreaanse troepen Zuid-Korea binnen. Het was de eerste […][:]
- From Garbage to Art: Environmental Consciousness in Japan in the Post-Cold War Era
23 mei 2014
The Research Project “From Garbage to Art: Environmental Consciousness in Japan in the Post-Cold […]
East Asia: Multiple voices, hidden communitie
19 mei 2014
The relations between the different states in East Asia have been showing significant tension […]
The Chinese Media and Relations with Europe
15 mei 2014
How is Chinese journalism affected by the recent focus on deepening reform in China […]
East Asian Voices MEARC Week 2014
15 mei 2014
A week of events organized by MEARC, the Clingendael Institute and the Dutch Ministry […]
Economische ontwikkelingen in China: regionaal perspectief en betekenis voor Nederland
10 apr 2014
[:nl]Op 10 april zal Jeroen Lamers, Hoofd Economische Zaken van de Nederlandse Ambassade in […][:]
The new middle class in China – who are they?
26 mrt 2014
The new middle class in China – who are they? What are their dreams? […]
Japan-Europe Cooperation on human security
16 dec 2013
Security cooperation in the twenty-first century between Japan and Europe needs to be conceived […]