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The Gulf is a major global destination for migrant workers, with a majority of these workers coming from South Asia. In this book, a team of international contributors examine how global migration governance regimes unfold in this often-overlooked migration corridor.

Going beyond state-centric analysis, the contributors present a multi-layered account of the ‘migration governance complex.’ They offer insights not only into the actors involved at the different scales of migration governance, but also into the varying ways of interpreting and explaining the meaning and value of these interactions. Together, they enable readers to better understand migration, labour mobilities, politics, and rights in this important region, while also providing a model for analysing global migration governance in practice in different parts of the world.

For more information on the book, please visit the website of Bristol University Press: https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/the-south-asia-to-gulf-migration-governance-complex


17:00 Welcome and Introduction

17:10: Book roundtable

18:00 Audience Q&A

18:30 Reception sponsored by the Leiden Asia Centre



Dr. Crystal A. Ennis is University Lecturer of Political Economy at the Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University. She is one of the editors and authors of this volume. Her research examines labour and migration governance, and the political economy of dependency on hydrocarbon revenue and foreign labour in Gulf economies. Her other publications have appeared in New Political Economy, Global Social Policy, Third World Quarterly, International Journal of Middle East Studies, and Cambridge Review of International Affairs, among others.

Dr. Nicolas Blarel is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Political Science, Leiden University. He is one of the editors and authors of the volume. His research focuses on foreign and security policy-making, the politics of migration governance, and the international politics of South Asia. He has also published books and articles with Oxford University Press, European Journal of International Relations, Political Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Studies Perspectives, International Politics, etc…

Dr. Faisal Hamadah is Assistant Professor in Postcolonial Studies and Transnationalism at Maastricht University. He is one of the contributors to this volume. His research sits at the intersection of cultural studies and political economy, and he publishes on Arab cultural history, the political economy of the Persian Gulf, and the environmental humanities. He is also a researcher affiliated with the project ‘Mapping Connections: China and Development in the Middle East’, a three-year research project based at Exeter University.



Dr. Vineet Thakur is University Lecturer in History and International Relations at the Institute for History, Leiden University. His most recent book is titled India’s First Diplomat: V.S. Srinivasa Sastri and the Making of Liberal Internationalism (Bristol University Press, 2021).

Dr. Katharina Natter is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science, Leiden University. She researches migration politics from a comparative perspective, with a particular focus on the role of political regimes in immigration policymaking. She has published in International Migration Review, Population and Development Review, Political Research Exchange, Comparative Migration Studies and the Journal of North African Studies.



This event is sponsored by the Leiden Asia Centre and the Leiden University Centre for International Relations (LUCIR).



This is an in-person only event. Everyone is welcome. Please register here for the event:




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