Anoma van der Veere
Anoma P. van der Veere is a Researcher of Modern Asia at the LeidenAsiaCentre. He is currently a MEXT Scholar based at Osaka University, Japan, where he is also a Fellow at the IAFOR Research Center at the Osaka School of International Public Policy.
Van der Veere has published on health and labour policy, sports, technology, and human rights in Asia and Europe, and is the editor of the forthcoming volume Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises at Amsterdam University Press (ed. by A.P. van der Veere, F. Schneider, and C.Y. Lo), a joint publication by the Leiden Asia Centre, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and the IAFOR Research Center. He has appeared as an expert commentator on television, in newspapers, and via online media formats, including the NOS, Nieuwsuur, Trouw and The Japan Times. His research on human rights at LAC also featured on, among others, Vice, Al Jazeera, ABC Four Corners, and at the EU Commission.
Research interests
- International public policy
- Japan
- East Asia
- Media and politics
- Human rights
- Global governance
Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2022)
Technology and the Future of Digital Health in Asia (2022)
How Asia Confronts COVID-19 through Technology (2020)
Twitter: @AnomaV