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In 2020, President Xi Jinping announced that China aims to hit the peak of its CO2 emissions before
2030, committing to net-zero emissions before 2060. In the coming decade carbon emissions will
therefore continue to rise. At the same time, the country invests in renewable green energy, has
committed itself to support no more new coal-fired power projects abroad, and tries to increase the
environmental sustainability of the BRI with the Belt and Road Initiative International Green
Development Coalition (BRIGC). In this Zoom webinar, we will take a look at the way China positions itself internationally when it comes to the green energy sector. We have invited three speakers to discuss different aspects of China and the green energy sector. There will also be time for the online audience to ask questions.


  • Dr. Mohamedbagher Forough will discuss China’s increasing influence in the renewable energy sector of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA-region) and the challenges cooperation in this sector brings for the MENA-countries involved.
  • Dr. Susann Handke will discuss the geopolitical impacts of State Grid (国家电网) and other Chinese electricity and transmission companies’ activities abroad, as well as the challenges for the EU low-carbon power transition inthis respect.
  • David Harmon , Huawei. What role do Chinese technological companies play in the transition to green energy? Huawei wants to play an active role in the transition to renewable energy. What does this in practice entail?

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