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After China’s government announced it would implement a social credit system by 2020, the topic gained a lot of interest from international audiences, including from Dutch media and politicians. In some cases, however, the topic started to live a life of its own. Now that 2020 has arrived, it is the right time to ask the question what the complex reality behind this social credit system actually looks like, what it says about China, but perhaps also about us in the West.

Together with De Balie, the LeidenAsiaCentre organises a panel discussion to address these questions with three experts who have studied the system in depth. Liu Jun (University of Copenhagen), Rogier Creemers (LeidenAsiaCentre/Leiden University) and Adam Knight (Leiden University) will explore the peculiarities of China’s social credit system, and reflect together with the audience on its implications and the likely path ahead. The discussion will be moderated by LeidenAsiaCentre’s director Florian Schneider.

The event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory, which can be done by acquiring a free ticket via: https://debalie.nl/agenda/chinas-social-credit-system/

Time and date: 19 February, 17:00-19:00
Location: De Balie, Amsterdam


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