Lindsay Black
Lindsay Black
Dr Lindsay Black is a University Lecturer at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies. His research interests comprise Japan’s foreign policy, International Relations Theory, East Asian Regionalism, East Asian Security, Human Security and Development, Contemporary Maritime Affairs in East/Southeast Asia, and Sino-Japanese Relations. He is presently working on a book manuscript entitled ‘Asia’s last frontier – Sino-Japanese competition in Myanmar’ that explores how Japanese policymakers have conceptualized their relationship with Myanmar in accordance with the constructed identity of Japan as Asia’s first democratic and developed state. Lindsay teaches on International Relations and International Political Economy in the China, Korea, and Japan programs, as well as the BA and MA in International Studies.
Grants and Fellowships
- Taiwan Fellowship, Winter-Spring 2017
- Osaka Cross Appointment System, Specially Appointed Associate Professor at Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Autumn 2016
- JSPS-NWO Joint Seminar Grant, Summer 2013
- MEARC and LIAS research subsidy, Summer 2009
- Monbushō Scholarship, 2003–2005
- Monbushō Scholarship, 1996–1997