Jue Wang
Jue Wang is a scholar of international political economy, with focuses on China’s political economy , its external economic relationship and its role in regional and global economic governance. She also has a wide range of research interests in international economic organizations, international cooperation, and the development of emerging economies. Dr. Wang is also an associate fellow for Asia Programme at Chatham House: The Royal Institute of International Affairs.
She is currently completing a book on China’s evolving role in regional and global economic governance, with a focus on its dynamic interactions with the World Bank, the IMF and the ADB since the 1980s and its recent efforts in establishing and managing the BRICS’ NDB and the AIIB. Her other current research projects focus on origins and implications of China’s recent economic slowdown; revision of market economy in China; Chinese overseas investment under Belt and Road Initiative; and south-south investment cooperation between Asia and the Gulf in Africa.