Governance and management

LeidenAsiaCentre has the statutory form of a foundation with ANBI status. Its governing bodies are the Supervisory Council and the Executive Board. In addition, LeidenAsiaCentre has an Advisory Council.


Supervisory Board

The supervisory board (Raad van Toezicht) meets twice a year to ensure that the activities undertaken by the LeidenAsiaCentre reflect the decisions of the various governing bodies of the centre.

The composition of the Supervisory Board is as follows:

– Chair: Ed Kronenburg, Former ambassador to China
– Constance de Klerk-Waller, Former Chair Leiden University Fund
– Prof. Dr. Mark Rutgers, Dean of the Humanities Faculty
– Alexander Doorman, Partner Global Transactions Freshfields
– Jan Anne Schelling, Director human relations Royal IHC
– Sabine Gimbrère, Director of the International Office/City of Amsterdam

Members are appointed in a personal capacity, with the exception of the Dean of the Humanities Faculty and the Chair of Leiden University Fund (LUF).

International Advisory Council

The LeidenAsiaCentre receives input from the International Advisory Council for its overall strategy. Consisting of academics and executives working on (East) Asia and drawn from a variety of disciplines and perspectives, this body will meet once a year to review the research and outreach activities of the centre, to advise on relevant developments and to strengthen the LeidenAsiaCentre network.

The International Advisory Council consists of:

• Prof. Bill Callahan London School of Economics
• Prof. Valerié Gélèzeau EHESS (Paris/IIAS)
• Prof. (mw) Emiko Ochiai Kyoto University
• Dr. Philippe Peycam Director International Institute Asian Studies (Leiden)
• Prof. Jennifer Robertson Michigan, Ann Arbor
• Monika Sie Dhian Ho Director Netherlands Institute for International Relations Clingendael
• Lay Hwee Yeo European Union Centre/Singapore Institute of International Affairs/National University of  Singapore
• Bert Hofman Director of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore
 Haruko Satoh Osaka School of International Public Policy/OSIPP-IAFOR Research Centre