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Last March, the Swedish Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law published its “Decoding China Dictionary”. Authored by a group of China specialists, the document provides an overview of 14 political terms that are frequently used in international relations and development cooperation with China, but which hold very different meanings in China as compared to liberal democracies. It covers concepts such as sovereignty, civil society, democracy and arguably one of the most contested concepts in engagement with China, human rights. Click here to read more about the dictionary.

On June 3rd (12:30-13:30) the LeidenAsiaCentre will organise an interactive online discussion about the publication with one of the authors of the dictionary and two experts of Chinese soft power. Register via the link above to join the event!


  • Malin Oud (Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute’s Stockholm Office and one of the dictionary’s editors)
  • Rogier Creemers (LeidenAsiaCentre/Leiden University)
  • Ingrid d’Hooghe (LeidenAsiaCentre)
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