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Note: this event takes place in-person in The Hague.

There is a widespread perception, particularly in parts of Europe and North America, that an unprecedented Sino-Russian strategic objective of cooperation and world reordering has emerged. Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Russia only seemed to validate that idea. But is this accurate? Recently the LeidenAsiaCentre published a report assessing the accuracy of this perception by comparing Chinese and Russian visions of world order and actual cooperation across security and political economy dimensions.

In our upcoming panel discussion we will tackle the same topic, and discuss China’s and Russia’s visions for a new world order. Where do these visions overlap? To what extend do China and Russia actually pursue them through practical cooperation? And how has the Ukraine invasion affected Sino-Russia relations?

Sign up now to join the panel discussion!

Date: 18-4-2023
Time: 16:15-18:00
Location: Het Nutshuis, The Hague


Richard Ghiasy is a LeidenAsiaCentre Senior Fellow, and advisor, and researcher on Asian geopolitics—often revolving around China and India’s foreign policy. In his 17-year career, he has provided policy advice to inter alia the EEAS, European Commission, Government Ministries across Europe and Asia, the OSCE, UNDP, and OECD. Frequently, his work has a conflict-preventive nature. Former SIPRI, Richard is also a Geopolitics Expert at The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), and an expert with the Dutch Government’s China Knowledge Network (CKN).

Justyna Szczudlik is deputy head of research and China analyst for the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM). She served as the head of PISM’s Asia-Pacific program from 2016 to 2021. She researches China’s foreign policy, focusing on China’s relations with Central and Eastern Europe, China-Poland relations, and cross-strait relations. She studied Chinese language at Beijing Language and Culture University’s College of Advanced Chinese Training and the National Chengchi University. She holds an MA in political science from the University of Wroclaw, as well as an MA in Chinese studies and a PhD in political science from the University of Warsaw.

Eric Zhang is a Junior Researcher at the LeidenAsiaCentre. His recent research mainly focuses on strategic deterrence and attribution in cyberspace, technical standardization of emerging technologies, and China-Russia relations. He has a particular interest in using digital sources and advanced quantitative methods in his research. Eric holds an MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy from Leiden University; he also has a background in Political Science and Statistics.


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