Conference program “China, the Netherlands and Europe”

The opening conference of the Leiden Asia Year 2017 will be devoted to the theme “China, the Netherlands and Europe”. LeidenAsiaCentre will host this opening conference on February 9, 2017. The conference is now open for registration.

For more information about the program, the speakers and registration visit the event-website.

Morning Program

10:00 Welcome and registration
10:30 Opening by Prof. dr. Frank Pieke, Executive Director of the  LeidenAsiaCentre

11:00 Presentation Book “Nederland door Chinese ogen”, by Frank Pieke & Garrie van Pinxteren (Balans Publishers)

11:30 “A frozen Europe and a fast changing China: the dilemma of the Sino-European relationship” by Martin Jacques

12:15 Q&A

12:30 Lunch

Afternoon Program

14:00 Break-out sessions (in Dutch)

A. De impact van China’s aanwezigheid in Nederland
Discussie op basis van de onderzoeksrapporten

B. Chinese studenten en kenniswerkers in Nederland
Discussie op basis van de onderzoeksrapporten

C. Het beeld van Nederland in China en de rol van Chinese correspondenten in de beeldvorming van Europa in China
Discussie op basis van de onderzoeksrapporten

15:30 Break
16:00 Panel discussion: “China’s International Ambitions explained for both Dragon Slayers and Panda Huggers”
17:00 Reception


Registration for the Opening Conference is required. Please register at our event-website.

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Published On: February, 2017