Report: China, the EU and the Netherlands – A Chinese Perspective

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Recent shifts in international relations increase the importance of the relations between China, as a rising power, and the EU. Vincent Chang, fellow at the LeidenAsiaCentre since November, illustrates how diplomats, policy makers and IR-specialists in Beijing, Shanghai, Brussels and the Hague view this challenge. Especially with the question: Do they see a role for the Netherlands?

The full report can be found here.

This research was conducted between September 2016 and February 2017. Besides a broad analysis of recent Chinese literature (among which policy documents, academic publications and press and mediareports), the research draws from interviews with about 30 policy makers, diplomats and observers.

Vincent Chang is a China consultant and researcher. He holds a PhD degree in modern Chinese history, specializing in China’s modern international relations and Sino-Dutch bilateral relations. In 2008 he founded “China Next Strategy”, a professional platform and network for consultancy, project management services and advisory work on China-related activities in various industries. His book “Dutch Traces, Places, and Faces in Chongqing” was published in 2014 to mark the founding of Dutch Consulate General in Chongqing.


Vincent Chang


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Published On: June, 2017