LAC director Florian Schneider comments on Wolf-Warrior style social media posts in SCMP
The article was written in response to the posting – [...]
The article was written in response to the posting – [...]
The U.S. Embassy in Beijing posted an image of a [...]
In 2020 and 2021, the LeidenAsiaCentre and the Institute of Peace and Conflict [...]
Dinsdag 30 maart publiceerde het LeidenAsiaCentre het nieuwe onderzoeksrapport “China’s invloed [...]
Op 17 juli sprak hij in het radioprogramma Bureau Buitenland [...]
Naar aanleiding van het 100 jarig bestaan van de Chinese [...]
In the article, Schneider argues that nationalism is a mixed [...]
According to Florian Schneider, China’s authorities rely heavily on nationalism [...]
In an article published by the South China Morning Post [...]
Ingrid d’Hooghe was interviewed by University World News on Confucius [...]