Rizal Shidiq
Rizal Shidiq is an economist by training with primary fields in development economics and monetary theory, and secondary field public choice. He has extensive research experience especially in development microeconomics, political economy, and trade. Rizal has conducted field researches and large-survey analysis in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, and Europe and Central Asia (ECA) with substantial experience in working with government and international agencies. His current research topics are on political connections in developing countries, religious tolerance, and democratic vulnerabilities.
Key publications
- Comparing Religious Tolerance by Affiliation to Muslim Organization in Indonesia, (with Arief Yusuf, Hariyadi, and Dharra Mahardhika), Pacific Affairs. 2023, Vol 96, No.1, 5-34
- On Socio-Economic Predictors of Religious Intolerance: Evidence from a Large-Scale Longitudinal Survey in the Largest Muslim Democracy (with Arief Yusuf and Hariyadi), Religions, 2020, 11(1), 21
- Inequality of Opportunity in South Caucasus (with Alan Tarlovsky Fuchs and Sailesh Tiwari), The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, No. 8432. May 2018
- Moving Up the Ladder: Mobility and Middle Class in Nepal (with Sailesh Tiwari and Carlos Carlos Felipe Balc azar), The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, No. 7824. September 2016
- Trends and Drivers of Poverty Reduction in Nepal: A Historical Perspective, (with Hiroki Uematsu and Sailesh Tiwari), The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, No. 7830. September 2016
- What Happened in the Early Years of Democracy: Indonesia’s Experience (with Philips J. Vermonte), Middle East Development Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2013. (Also, a chapter in Diwan, Ishac (ed.), Understanding the Political Economy of the Arab Uprisings, World Scientific Publishing, 2014)